Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What a great first day!

Wow...what a great first day we had! I was so proud of how well everyone did today! The kids seemed to enjoy having the opportunity to color and make new friends as everyone arrived this morning.

This morning, we started off with a gingerbread hunt. We put our gingerbread cookies in the oven and when we went to take them out, all 22 of them had escaped! So, we had to run around the school to find them! We went to the music room, nurse, library, technology room, art room PE room and then finally found them in our classroom. Those sneaky gingerbread men! Below is a picture from our hunt this morning.

After our gingerbread hunt, we went to recess. I think every child enjoyed this part! This usually becomes their favorite part of the day!

After recess, we read The Kissing Hand. I always read this book on the first day of school. It's about Chester Raccoon and how he copes with his first day of school. I won't tell you about it because I want your little one to. That was their homework for tonight. Their art activity should be in their notebook.

Then, we went to lunch and had a little rest time. Before we knew it, it was time to go home! All in all, it was a great day! I am confident that we are going to have a great year!! :)

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