Friday, November 8, 2013

50's day and new Shutterfly share site

TGIF!!! Only 26 more school days until Christmas vacation! So hard to believe how fast this year is flying by! Last week, we celebrated the 50th day of school. We dressed and pretended like we were living in the 1950's. We watched commercials and listened to music from this decade. Check out our pictures below!

Can you blow a bubble?
Sock hop!

At this station, a dice was rolled and the kids had to show
the number on their tens frame.

Hula Hoops!

Ice cream floats

We have a new Shutterfly share site! Check it out at When we have class events, I try to take a picture of each individual student. I can't upload all of those pictures to our blog, so you will be able to find them on our share site. Enjoy!! :)