This week, we spent a lot of time learning about fall! The students really seemed to enjoy hearing about all the changes that happen during this season! In math, we are finishing up numbers 0-10. This week, we spent our math time rotating to various math centers.
The Boosterthon was a great success! We led the school in pledges! Thank you so much for all of your support! I am attaching a few pictures that I was able to take during the Fun Run. I tried to get a picture of just about everyone. There were so many kids that I may have missed a few!
And to end this post, I am leaving you with a funny picture. This is what Joseph came up with during free centers! :)
I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend! This week, we will begin our color unit! We will learn all about primary, secondary and tertiary colors! Ask your child if they can give you an example. Hopefully, they'll at least be able to tell you about primary and secondary. In math, we finished up working on numbers 0-5. This week, we will focus on numbers 6-10. Ask your child to explain what you see in the picture below.
Last week, we started our writing journals. We have been focusing on how a picture tells a story. I read them a book without pictures and showed them how to look at a picture and make up a story. This will really help them when it comes to writing sentences in a few months.
Wow, what a great week it has been! The students are doing such a wonderful job and I have a good feeling that it's going to be a great year! This week, we finished our 2nd complete week of center rotations. This is a time where kids complete thematic activities. The first 3 weeks of school, our centers revolve around learning our name, matching letters and learning to use the classroom computers. In math, we have been learning about numbers. We talked about why we use numbers and really explored numbers 0-5. Last week, we spent 1 day on each number. Today, we started our math journals. These are composition books that students will use throughout the year to record their mathematical thinking. Today, we worked on representing the number 1. I didn't get a chance to get a picture of them working in their math journals, but I hope to next week. I did get a picture of what they did in their journals this week. That picture is below.
Check out all the ways to represent a single number! Learning all of these strategies will help your child succeed in math!! Ask your child to explain these to you!
As you can see, we learned how to spell the number, represent it on a dice, tens frame and with tally marks. We also explored addition! The kids were so excited to learn a little addition!
This is today's journal entry! This student did a great job!
The children learned a fun game called Mingle and Count. When I say "mingle", the children walk around saying "mingle, mingle, mingle" until I say a number. They repeat the number and sort themselves into groups of that number. Many 5/6 year olds learn best when they are up and moving around. This is a fun game for them and it gives me the chance to see who has really grasped the concept. It's also a great opportunity to spot your leaders and problem solvers. Check out the video below. They loved this game!!
Don't forget to check your child's folder this evening. There is important information about picture day and homework! That's all for now. It's 3:30 on a Friday and I should have been out of here 30 minutes ago! :) Enjoy your weekend!